Footage of four, rarely-seen snow leopards clambering up snowy cliffs in northern Pakistan has created a frenzy of excitement ...
"It's a rare treat to sore eyes." Researchers stunned after spotting rare creature in remote mountain range: 'A species on ...
In a heart-wrenching case of animal cruelty from Pakistan, nine newborn puppies were mercilessly burned to death in Gulberg ...
'Pakistan has a rich diversity of wildlife, but many of its species, including wolves, are endangered and face the threat of local extinction,' Nawaz told Anadolu. In recent years, he added, human ...
A rare sighting of four snow leopards in the mountainous region of Gilgit-Baltistan has captured the attention of wildlife ...
A female snow leopard with her three male cubs were captured in a single frame in Gilgit-Baltistan with the expert who caught them calling it an extraordinary event for snow leopards to ...
Pakistan has a troubled history with animal welfare. Last December, an elephant died at a safari park less than two weeks after being reunited with her sister. It was the latest tragedy to affect ...
Civil society activists, students, and animal rights organisations staged a protest in Lahore against the widespread culling ...
Pakistan, and indeed all 12 of the snow leopard range countries, have made great strides in halting and reversing declines of snow leopards.
The World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Pakistan, said it was optimistic about the sighting but stressed snow leopards remain an endangered species still facing “numerous threats.” In a statement ...