Harvey Earls with Bethel Baptist Church in Robertsdale joined News 5’s Chad Petri to talk about the idea of people leaving ...
The $500,000 grant will be used to help repair significant water damage to the building, its roof, exterior wall, and HVAC ...
Justin Trudeau was reduced to tears at a press conference on Thursday night, after reports of a profanity-laden phone call ...
Environmental group leaders are working with Portsmouth residents to help solve the city’s urban heat problem, including by ...
Columnist Clara Johnson offers messages of praise and appreciation each Wednesday. Contribute a Shout Out by email to [email protected].
Well … yes, but that isn’t its real name. It is called the West Parish Congregational Church, but, no, it is not in the Congo, nor in West Paris, Maine. It is in Bethel, Maine. But why is it called ...
Bethel Chapel Missionary Baptist Church will be hosting the legendary Chuck Wagon Gang on Sunday, March 16th at 2:00pm.
New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, 874 Waverly Thompson Rd., Macon, will be celebrating the Ordination Services for ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - Monday marked five years since the deadly March 2020 tornado outbreak that forever changed ...
New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate its 134th anniversary with a program titled “United in Diversity.” When: ...