It’s that time of year again, when everyone’s fighting a cold and blowing their nose. Maybe you’ve found yourself having sinus struggles, or you’ve noticed your boogers don’t look “normal.” Whatever ...
It explains all the potential causes, treatments, and ways to prevent them. Boogers are pieces of mucus that have dried in ...
It's like fly paper for the flu. And as you continue to breathe, air hardens the mucus into a solid booger, a gooey prison cell for your ensnared enemies. Now, normally, you can get rid of that ...
This cold and flu season, you may be looking for clues you're getting better anywhere you can find them, even in the color of your snot.
In the final phase of boogerfication, the mucus, dirt, and other junk dry up and clump together, forming the nasal classic-- the booger.
Maybe you’ve found yourself having sinus struggles, or you’ve noticed your boogers don’t look “normal.” Whatever the case may be, mucus abounds. “Mucus is a natural product to keep our ...