Lower-deposit mortgage options for landlords are on the rise, but they might find it is difficult to get approved for one.
Buy-to-let landlords are being hit by higher interest rates, higher costs and a less friendly tax regime. Many have seen their mortgage costs spiral meaning they by and large will be hoping for ...
The choice of buy-to-let mortgage deals has hit an all-time high since a financial website began its digital records back in 2011. The number-crunchers at Moneyfactscompare.co.uk have registered ...
Our landlord clients will, understandably, be more vigilant about whom they let to. Now, with referencing challenges ... strain on landlords will be the higher running costs. While mortgage rates are ...
The choice of buy-to-let mortgage deals has reached its highest point since a financial information website’s records started in 2011. Moneyfactscompare.co.uk counted 3,560 fixed and variable ...