Carcasses of dead whales would be examined for clues ... but the whales were too big to be refloated. "The water was surging right up and they were thrashing. They’re just dying, they’ve sunk down in ...
New video shows a dead whale that washed ashore in Delaware ... Officials hope high tides will float the whale into deeper water. The longer its stuck in its current location, the more difficult ...
The mortality event ended two years ago, after the number of stranded and dead whales ... to have pushed whales to go farther south. "They are looking for the warm water, so they just keep going ...
Carcasses of dead whales would be examined for clues ... after dawn but the whales were too big to be refloated. "The water was surging right up and they were thrashing. They're just dying ...
The cause of the whale's death is unclear at this time. It was spotted at Seashore State Park, which is located between Dewey and Bethany beaches.
I know there have been some water cleanup efforts going around ... headlines in New York later was later found dead. In January, a Humpback whale named NYC0393, which became well-known to whale ...
Carcasses of dead whales would be examined for clues ... after dawn but the whales were too big to be refloated. “The water was surging right up and they were thrashing. They’re just dying ...
Carcasses of dead whales would be examined for clues ... after dawn but the whales were too big to be refloated. “The water was surging right up and they were thrashing. They’re just dying ...
Carcasses of dead whales would be examined for clues ... after dawn but the whales were too big to be refloated. “The water was surging right up and they were thrashing. They’re just dying ...