Last November, Dennis Prager, the longtime nationally syndicated radio host, author, lecturer and founder of PragerU, fell ...
Dennis Prager is best known for founding PragerU ... to pigeonhole himself into the perfect position from which to lead a new generation of conservatives as they navigate a world where former ...
"A truly great American, Dennis Prager," actor Rob Schneider said ... with Prager during a "Socrates in the City" event in New York City last year. "One of my very dearest and most beloved ...
The Dennis Prager Show website touts PragerU as "the ... have been used in public school classrooms in Florida, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Montana and more, according to NBC News.
Conservative thought leader Dennis Prager's friends and family are asking for prayer after he suffered a serious accident earlier this week. "On Tuesday morning, PragerU founder and our dear ...
The latter two books were co-authored with Joseph Telushkin. New York's Jewish Week described Dennis Prager as "one of the three most interesting minds in American Jewish Life." Since 1992 ...
On August 16, author, pundit, and radio personality Dennis Prager — who also happens to be an amateur conductor — led the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Franz Joseph Haydn ...
New Takes on Girl with a Pearl Earring ... Prager University: “YouTube thinks Dennis Prager’s videos may be dangerous.” Tech giants like Google and Facebook always deny that their platforms ...