The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake is Michigan's only venomous snake. Despite its title, experts say the snake is a shy ...
Officials are urging “understanding” over “fear” after a federally protected snake was recently found killed at the Matthaei ...
The sound of a rattlesnake's shaking tail can evoke a visceral response of fear in almost anyone. But in reality, snakes like the eastern massasauga have more reason to fear us than we have to fear ...
The eastern massasauga is a small rattlesnake that was once widespread and common but is now threatened in approximately 75 percent of its range. It is protected in every state or province where it ...
Kansans may need to watch their step when heading outside as snakes reappear across the state, and inside some unfortunate ...
Copperheads, whose venom is even less potent than massasaugas, and timber rattlesnakes ... The massasauga — pronounced “moss-ah-SAUG-wah” — is found throughout the eastern half of Kansas.
The following projects have been our most recent focus. See recent publications for more details. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is endangered in New York State and a candidate for federal listing ...