The removed animals were protected under the Endangered and Nongame Species Conservation Act and Exotic and Nongame Wildlife ...
The hyacinths are the largest macaw species and are endangered. The toco toucan conjures the classic image of the long-billed bird. With their big, colorful beaks, this species are the also ...
Rare exotic birds escaped from a zoo at an historic ... due to huge hunting pressure and today is one of the most endangered bird species worldwide. It is believed some of the birds may now ...
Although wild birds in the US may be protected under the Wild Bird Conservation Act (WBCA), Endangered Species Act ... the passage of the WBCA in 1992—which instituted a ban on exotic bird imports ...
The exhibit — available for free viewing in the Pacific Beach/Taylor Library through March 28 — was designed to highlight ...
Officials seized 25 animals, including a sloth and a critically endangered amphibian called an axolotl, and found new homes ...
The long-awaited amendment to Mexico’s wildlife law to protect its wild bird populations from exploitation was approved ... half of which are deemed endangered. A joint report highlighting the need ...
“The endangered sea turtles and birds living in the Gulf have already been dealing with noise, oil spills and harsh lights,” said Stuart Pimm, Ph.D., Doris Duke professor of conservation ecology at ...