Knole House has been the backdrop for all the ups and downs of the English aristocracy and for the lives of the countless tradesmen, butlers, maids, cooks, and footmen who kept dwellings like it ...
The younger sons of English nobility, lacking property at home, would have new lands to lord over. Merchants would have exotic products to bring home and new markets in which to sell their goods.
Consequently, ever since Henry VII, the English “aristocracy”, far from counteracting the development of industrial production, had, on the contrary, sought to indirectly profit thereby ...
The acme of aristocracy is the royal family, but even the Queen's English has changed over the years since her coronation in 1952.
He was born in 1359 into a powerful family of the Anglo-Welsh nobility, during a time of relative peace between the tribes of Wales and the English aristocracy. His father, Gruffydd Fychan II ...
The acme of aristocracy is the royal family, but even the Queen's English has changed over the years since her coronation in 1952.