Act (H.R. 1644 & S. 969 in 110th Congress) H.R. 11 & S. 181, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act, Pub. Law No. 111-2 A bill to amend Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to clarify the filing period ...
969, Re-Empowerment of Skilled and Professional Employees and Constructions Tradeworkers (RESPECT) Act H.R. 2831, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act of 2007 and S. 1843, Fair Pay Restoration Act S. 3209, ...
It’s sponsored by seven Republicans and one Democrat. Called the “New Hampshire Fair Play Act,” the bill would allow student-athletes to make NIL deals, hire legal representation ...
Governor Jerry Brown has just signed legislation called California’s Fair Pay Act, which will make businesses more vulnerable to lawsuits for any differences in pay between workers. Under the ...