The Fantastic Four (2015)'s behind the scenes issues including struggles for the film's overall vision led to box office ...
Over the years, the Fantastic Four has seen multiple big-screen adaptations. The 2005 and 2007 films, directed by Tim Story, ...
Ever since Marvel Studios acquired the rights to the Fantastic Four, fans have been waiting anxiously for updates on when they’ll finally see Marvel’s First Family get the film they deserve. They had ...
Discover the quintessential comic eras of Marvel's First Family from some of the Fantastic Four's most iconic creators ahead ...
The Fantastic Four First Steps is set to release soon and here, find out all you need to know about who The Fantastic Four ...
The superhero film Fantastic Four, a reboot of the original movie of the same name, was released in the United States on August 7, 2015. The film starred Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan ...
Then, the franchise was rebooted again with 2015's Fantastic Four, which starred Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell. Since then, the characters have been alluded to in ...
First Steps' reported runtime would make it the longest Fantastic Four film to date. Read on to learn all the details.
Purists appreciate its devotion to the comics and wholesome attitude, something missing from both the 2005 and 2015 big-budget Fantastic Four films. These relatively simple powers provided an ...
The first theatrically-released Fantastic Four movie (remember that Roger Corman’s 1994 flick never made it to the big screen) arrived in 2005, Josh Trank’s reboot came out in 2015, ...
This version of the Fantastic Four will take place in a retro-futuristic ... played the heroes in two movies, then a disastrous 2015 reboot brought in Miles Teller, Kata Mara, Michael B.
For now, the Fantastic Four have much bigger problems to deal ... rather than serving as an origin story a la the 2005 and 2015 films. That said, we do see a couple shots that flash back to ...