When John Adams became the second president of the United States in 1797, he inherited from George Washington a new experiment in government and a bit of a mess. The country’s two political parties – ...
However, with training and time, John was able to refine his skills. As a member of the Federalist Party, Adams decided to run for the presidency. He lost and became Vice-president to George ...
A descendant of John Ball, the medieval English preacher who led the first popular rebellion in England, George Washington ... under fire," John Adams nominated Washington to be commander of ...
October 19: John Adams is born in Braintree, Massachusetts, to Deacon John Adams and Susanna Boylston Adams. He is the eldest of three boys. November 11: Abigail Smith, the second of four ...
In 1788, when John Adams returned from Europe to a hero's welcome, he came home to limitless possibilities. The presidency would belong to George Washignton ... He wished to be Washington's ...