It’s now home to the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Radio Telescope, the largest steerable telescope in the world at 7,600 metric ...
Small Town Universe,” directed by Emmy-nominated Director Katie Dellamaggiore, is about “stories of love, loss, resilience, ...
The two telescopes bear a striking resemblance to the 100-meter Green Bank Telescope at the U.S. National Science ...
Suzanne Stewart Staff Writer When the director position at the Green Bank Observatory became available, Tony Remijan saw it ...
In 1960, radio astronomer Frank D. Drake, then at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Green Bank, West Virginia, carried out humanity's first modern attempt to detect interstellar radio ...
She is one of less than 200 residents at the heart of the West Virginia Quiet Zone, set up in the 1950s to facilate the Green Bank Telescope - a radio telescope that's bigger than the statue of ...
Earlier work published in 2023 by the NANOGrav collaboration, which uses data from the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia and two other active North American radio telescope facilities ...