If a blood vessel in the brain leaks or bursts and causes bleeding, it takes blood supply away from the nearby brain tissue, causing a hemorrhagic stroke. Additionally, compression from excessive ...
In hemorrhagic stroke, underlying vascular pathology might be a contributory factor, although a role for pre-existing vascular pathology as a risk factor for stroke related to drug use has not ...
The best way to prevent a hemorrhagic stroke, according to Señga, is by addressing its root cause, which is hypertension.
In their study of rats with hemorrhagic stroke and hyperglycemia, Song et al. (2003) found that hyperglycemia-induced brain injury resulted in increased free radical formation. In turn ...
Children with sickle cell disease, a chronic hemolytic anemia, present with a wide variety of neurological syndromes, including ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attacks ...