The Holden Commodore may be nearing the end of its ... and ute body-styles, and SV6, SS, SSV, SSV Redline, Calais, Calais V, and Caprice V trim levels. Aussie muscle enthusiasts will want to ...
Holden vowed to stay in the Australian market ... beyond the two years the SV6 has needed a little more, but nothing outside of the standard consumables – plugs, coils, injectors and timing ...
The towing capacity of the 2015 Holden Commodore supports up to 1600kg ... 6 SPEED AUTOMATIC Braked capacity: 1600kg SV6 Specs: 3.6L, Unleaded Petrol, 6 SPEED AUTOMATIC Braked capacity: 1600kg SV6 ...
Price is based on Glass's Information Services third party pricing data for the lowest priced Holden Commodore 2010 variant. The Price excludes costs such as stamp duty, other government charges and ...
Prices shown for the used 2006 Pontiac Montana SV6 Wagon Extended 4D with NaN miles are what people paid to buy this vehicle or what people received when trading in this vehicle at a dealer. Edit ...