The small local population shouldn’t fool you, though, as Innsbruck is an extremely popular destination due to its proximity to the mountains and the ample nearby avenues for winter sports.
The best times to visit Innsbruck are the winter and summer. This is a winter-sport enthusiast's paradise, so you will find it full of skiers and snowboarders during the long winter months.
The Innsbruck Paralympic Winter Games were the first Winter Games organised by the International Coordinating Committee (ICC), which was formed on 15 March 1982, in Leysin, Switzerland. Athletes with ...
Der erst 23-jährige Australier Locke Venturato verkörpert und tanzt die Hauptfigur in Enrique Gasa Valgas neuem Hauptstück des diesjährigen Innsbruck Winter Dance Festivals "Dorian Gray", hier ...
Das erste Innsbruck Winter Dance Festival im Februar 2024 war ein voller Erfolg! Aus einer Idee entstand innerhalb kürzester Zeit etwas Einzigartiges und Großartiges, dessen Ausmaß noch lange ...
The IOC have labeled the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics as a “catalyst for innovation,” in part because of the innovative sports program developed for the Games. Innsbruck 2012 featured an ...
it was not possible to hold the Paralympic Winter Games at the same venue as the Olympic Winter Games that year. Thus, they were held again in Innsbruck, Austria. The Games attracted 377 Para athletes ...
Durch die Integration neuer Veranstaltungsorte wie dem Hoadl Haus in der Axamer Lizum reflektiert das Innsbruck Winter Dance Festival den alpin-urbanen Charakter unserer Region noch stärker, was ...