6:15 a.m., Wednesday: Interstate 70 eastbound is open, however, Loveland Pass is still closed ... lost traction on its way toward the Continental Divide, according to a traffic camera screenshot.
LOVELAND SKI AREA, Colo. (AP ... a record 130 couples converged on the Forest Meadow run near the Continental Divide on Friday, clicking into skis and strapping on snowboards for the mass wedding ...
It includes the Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnels on Interstate 70, Berthoud Pass on ... areas closest to the Continental Divide, such as Arapahoe Basin Ski Area and Loveland Ski Area are ...
LOVELAND SKI AREA, Colo ... a record 130 couples converged on the Forest Meadow run near the Continental Divide on Friday, clicking into skis and strapping on snowboards for the mass wedding ...