The relationship between Shanks and Luffy has always been one of the most important driving forces behind the entirety of One Piece. Without Shanks giving Luffy his iconic Straw Hat, Luffy may ...
If there's one thing consistent in One Piece, it's how Luffy has continuously pushed the boundaries of his abilities, with Gear 4 serving as one of his most powerful transformations (second only ...
Avoir une vraie collection de mangas chez soi, c’est bien, c’est beau, mais ça prend de la place. Alors, Jump débarque avec ...
Spoilers then claim the chapter starts immediately where the last one ended, with a confused Luffy questioning why they have to fight. Zoro thinks of how strong Colon said his dad was as Luffy ...
One Piece chapter 1140 raw scans were primarily expected to elaborate on or better illustrate some of the less clear points made in previously released text-based spoilers. Unofficially leaked on ...
L'épisode spécial oppose Goku et Luffy à Enel, l'un des ennemis les ... ils recherchent les Dragon Balls et ramènent la ville à la normale. Un moment unique et inoubliable pour les fans.