It’s hard to keep a long series exciting for fans, but Oda has managed to do just that with tons of intriguing things, and Gear 5 is one of them. Oda created Luffy’s Gear 5 in Wano, and he has ...
It's not easy for Luffy to truly hate someone, but if they push him far enough and harm his friends and family, all bets are ...
Luffy is at the forefront of things in every major arc in One Piece. This arc is most likely going to be somewhat similar to the likes of Dressrosa, Whole Cake Island, and Wano. All these arcs ...
One Piece chapter 1140 spoilers start with the issue’s title of “Scopper Gaban,” as well as its cover page continuing the story of Yamato’s pilgrimage across Wano. In this edition ...
Luffy and Scopper Gaban’s fight against each ... an update to the cover story showing Yamato’s pilgrimage across Wano. Here, Who’s Who is seen throwing swords at Ulti, who is attached ...