Doctors diagnosed 12 patients with the virus, three of whom acquired it locally. Experts issue urgent warning about dangerous ...
What initially seems like purely psychological trouble may indeed have roots in physical conditions that, once identified, ...
Her encephalopathy precluded a detailed assessment ... including a test for Lyme disease antibodies and PCR assays for Borrelia burgdorferi (the causative agent of Lyme disease) and babesia ...
Operational definition of chronic Lyme disease published by the International ... A patient with late neuroborreliosis associated with encephalopathy, who has recurrent or refractory objective ...
Existing projects are also on hold because research institutions cannot be certain they will be continued, or if they absorb ...
Tests for Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus ... a In some patients with paraneoplastic anti-NMDAR encephalitis, the possibilities of bacterial infections, HIV, and prion disease were initially ...
Researchers have discovered that an enzyme can serve as an ideal target for developing new therapeutics against Lyme disease, ...
By Elizabeth Walztoni, Bangor Daily News Staff Ticks have already emerged in some parts of Maine and are likely to be active throughout the spring. This winter’s temperatures were colder compared to ...