The anti-malarial mAbs evaluated in trials in malaria-endemic regions target the P. falciparum sporozoite—the life stage of the parasite that is transmitted from mosquitoes to people.
the causative agent of malaria, target the asexual blood stages ... First, for all parasite species, the low efficiency of sporozoite invasion and maturation in cultured primary hepatocytes ...
Scientists have discovered a new type of anti-malarial antibody that doesn't interfere with current vaccines, at least in mouse models. Could they help eliminate malaria in the future?Researchers ...
The researchers tested the vaccine along with other available malaria vaccines in mice. Animals treated with the mRNA vaccine had significantly increased liver Trm cell accumulation and were able to ...
Malaria was believed to be caused by miasma ... s life cycle by inducing an immune response against the circum-sporozoite protein (CSP) found on Plasmodium sporozoites. This stage infects the ...