An Iowa State University scientist identifies mosquito species with the help of a microscope ... mosquitoes have to the parasite that causes malaria. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
(Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) Blood samples are checked for malaria at the research center. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) A sample seen under a microscope shows the presence of the ...
Abnormalities in red blood cells formed by the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium falciparum cause light to pass through them differently. The new microscope detects these nanoscale differences and ...
Under the microscope a malaria parasite can actually be seen literally crawling inside of people’s red blood cells. In order to survive, the malaria parasite has to break down a part of the red blood ...
While the generic Foldscope serves as a one-size-fits-all microscope, Prakash and his team have also developed specialized versions, such as a malaria-centric one, that make identifying diseases ...
In this short film Dr Michael Mosley investigates the parasite Plasmodium that carries malaria ... his blood with Plasmodium and watch under a microscope as this parasite infects his red blood ...