A proposal to raise water-and-sewer rates in Winnipeg by $18.67 a month to keep pace with the growing cost of ...
Manitoba isn’t planning to follow Ontario’s lead of slapping a 25 per cent surcharge on hydroelectricity exports to the U.S.
WINNIPEG – Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew says the province’s Crown-owned energy corporation could use its purchasing power to ...
Areas including the Parklands, Interlake and northern Whiteshell are under a snowfall warning, with 10 centimetres expected, ...
Manitoba's Progressive Conservatives apologized to the families of four First Nations women murdered by a serial killer in ...
With Alberta teammates Ben Hebert, Brett Gallant and Marc Kennedy setting the table, Jacobs made a soft tap with his first rock to sit four.
Now that Canada's governing Liberal party has chosen a new leader in economist Mark Carney, experts say Canadians should ...
Manitoba's Progressive Conservative Party apologized on Wednesday to the families for refusing to search a Winnipeg-area ...