[Erland] figured it was high time for digital maps to go nautical and built a tablet-like device to display charts while sailing. The Pi Chart is, of course, powered by a Raspberry Pi running a ...
TCart a has introduced a new line of Satellite Reconnaissance Charts designed to complement official marine navigation maps in shallow waters. These digital maps, derived from recently acquired ...
Fugro has secured a new five-year contract with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for hydrographic ...
Focusing on issues that drive its product/ service development, namely marine/navigation safety; demand for high quality, timely electronic charts; and the ability to maintain and distribute up-to ...
Many of us who have dedicated chart plotters on our boats or multifunction displays (MFDs), also have charting and routing apps on out phones and tablets that we can take home with us and use ashore.