Caenorhabditis elegans drp-1 and fis-2 Regulate Distinct Cell-Death Execution Pathways Downstream of ced-3 and ... controlling the release of caspase activators from mitochondria during apoptosis.
The two apoptosis pathways of interest are the extrinsic ... by the BCL-2 family of proteins and involves the disruption of mitochondrial membrane integrity in response to cellular insults or ...
A recent study has unveiled the pivotal role of Ferroptosis Suppressor Protein 1 (FSP1) in intervertebral disc degeneration ...
A research led by Sergio P. Acebrón, Researcher Ikerbasque at the UPV/EHU, develops a key tool to visualize the immune response to abnormal DNA, opening new avenues for the treatment of diseases.
Our cells harbor a DNA detector termed cGAS to inform the immune system of viral and bacterial infections, cell death, as ...