My Hero Academia, Vigilantes

For All Might, we see a character forced to reckon with his legacy, exposing the flaws of his ideals and teaching the next ...
There are great anime, like FMAB & Demon Slayer, that are perfect for Kaiju No. 8 fans to watch while they wait for new ...
With the conclusion of My Hero Academia, fans got to see quite a lot ... he was a ferocious monster on the battlefield. Come the end of the Paranormal Liberation War, Mirio got his quirk back ...
Not all Quirks are powerful. Some are more of a burden than a gift, leaving their users struggling. Here are 7 Quirks that ...
A fanart on Reddit shows evil variants of Deku from My Hero Academia, referencing the events of Invincible Season 3.
My Hero Academia’s eighth and final anime season is set to hit the ground floor running later this year but this is far from the only thing that UA Academy fans have to look forward to.
Vigilantes, the prequel that takes place before the events of the main My Hero Academia anime, premieres on April 7th.