A dead whale has beached on the uninhabited Wadden Sea island of Minsener Oog, south-east of the island of Wangerooge. An aerial photograph shows the carcass on the beach. Experts are currently ...
Helen - TRANSLATED: And down there, is where I live. Sylt is the biggest German North Sea island, with an area of 99 square kilometres. There are 11 villages on Sylt, and one town called Westerland.
Environmental organizations from the Netherlands and Germany are to take further ... One-Dyas plans to extract natural gas off the two North Sea islands this year, and has set up a production ...
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from X-Plane 11: Aerosoft - German Islands 1: East Frisia Discover the East Frisian North Sea islands with the new XPlane 11 add-on German Islands 1 ...
Collisions remain rare in the busy North Sea. In October 2023, two cargo ships, the Verity and the Polesie, collided near Germany's Heligoland islands in the North Sea. Three people were killed ...