Daughter of reporter and editor Bill Cunningham on a quest to collect his accounts of iron lung treatment and physical therapy he received while recovering.
On February 23, 1954, the world’s first-ever polio vaccine was administered in Pittsburgh, United States. This day is also ...
In its early stages, poliomyelitis — known as polio — causes fatigue ... and around 5% to 10% of paralyzed patients die when their breathing muscles become immobilized. The disease mainly ...
Pakistan's Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradication at the National Institute of Health (NIH) Pakistan has ...
Peek into the Past From the Feb. 20, 1947, edition of the Lyon County Reporter: Dorothy Tiedeman of Rock Rapids (standing in ...
The CEO stated that preliminary diagnosis indicated their condition was caused by a hereditary disease rather than polio. He said a committee had previously been constituted to verify the nature ...
The device saved the lives of thousands of patients (primarily children) whose lungs became paralyzed or weakened by polio, helping them to breathe, per Harvard Medical School. The iron lung has ...
The polio vaccination drive in Gaza is exceeding expectations, the WHO said Tuesday as it warned of the impacts of US funding ...
However, with 100,000 cases per year, polio was a smaller public health threat than tuberculosis, heart disease, cancer, cerebal palsy, or muscular dystrophy.
The WHO works in collaboration with groups such as UNICEF and the Gates Foundation to fight against polio. US's withdrawal from the global health body has impacted efforts, including stopping work ...