Erin Stevenson leads tours at the Rhode Island State House, sharing its history and showcasing artifacts like the original ...
As one of the original 13 Colonies, Rhode Island is home to many historic buildings, from libraries to restaurants to schools ...
As Rhode Island gets ready for America's 250th birthday, some wonder whether we're investing enough into the tourism ...
With Rhode Island Hospital ... but also for their history. In fact, the state's oldest hospital was founded in Providence almost 200 years ago. Located on Blackstone Blvd., Butler Hospital ...
It’s crucial for the Partnership for Rhode Island to find a new director who understands the undeniable influence of the ...
If you want to immerse yourself in history as well as nature ... Roger Williams Park park was founded in 1871 after Betsey Williams, a descendant of Rhode Island founder Roger Williams, donated ...
Claudine Schneider, the first woman elected from Rhode Island to the U.S. House of Representatives, was born. Elected in 1980, the political trailblazer also was the first Republican Representative to ...
Despite its status as the smallest state, Rhode Island’s neat division into 39 ... West Greenwich was originally part of East Greenwich. Founded in 1677, the town of East Greenwich formed ...