The border wall system running through San Diego County has been one of the most fortified stretches in the southwest for ...
It also includes the San Ysidro Port of Entry, the busiest land border crossing in the western hemisphere connecting San ...
There have been multiple incidents of tourists being stopped at U.S. points of entry and held for weeks at immigration ...
The International Boundary and Water Commissioner Maria-Elena Giner explained what went wrong in Tijuana over the weekend ...
Residents claim AMLO gave them full ownership and title to their land, something they now say is being “stolen” by state and local officials.
SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — The persistent storm, and in particular Thursday’s rain, has wreaked havoc on the city of Tijuana leaving behind landslides, downed trees and power lines, countless traffic ...
On Otay Mountain, which lies southeast of San Diego and overlooks the border near the Mexican city of Tijuana, Army soldiers perched high above a popular crossing valley helped operate a CBP ...
A man who took part in the kidnapping and killing of an 18-year-old U.S. citizen in Tijuana was convicted Wednesday by a San ...
One worker who wanted to remain anonymous said, they are pretty confident their work will hold up and they won’t see any ...