Children in Scarborough continue the town's 122-year-old Shrove Tuesday tradition. Last year's runner-up goes one better in a tradition that dates from 1445. Liverpool's traditional Pancake Day ...
In some parts of Wales, children would kick tin cans up and down the streets, believed to be commemorating the putting away the pots and pans for Lent. In other parts of the world, Shrove Tuesday ...
In 2025, Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday ... Translated as meaning “Fat Tuesday” in French, the festivities often involve Carnival activities such as extravagant parades.
"The Monday and Tuesday before Lent were periods of great festivity before the coming days of abstinence," the website says. "Children would go 'Shroving' or 'Lent-crocking' on Shrove Tuesday or ...