The sun came out in Wiltshire this week and the county has welcomed rare wildlife and also pancakes and spring re-openings.
Celebrated as Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, around the world, Shrove Tuesday, or "Pancake Day," derives from the English word ...
The tasty tradition is popular not only in Ireland, but also in many other locations around the world, where it might be known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. The word shrove comes from the Middle ...
However, before any celebrations can begin, there is a period of fasting - this is where Shrove Tuesday comes into play. The word shrove comes from the word shrive, meaning to present oneself for ...
This year, 4 March is Shrove Tuesday - otherwise known as Pancake Day. Shrove Tuesday is a Christian festival marked all over the world but in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia it's often ...
the name Shrove Tuesday derives from the English word meaning to seek forgiveness or be granted absolution. The oldest and most famous of pancake races take place in the small town of Olney ...