The Romans destroyed the Temple, banished Jews and changed the names of places to erase history. It's a strategy still being emulated.
But there was a big, and unexpected, difference this week for members of the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center: Instead of convening in their synagogue’s 80-year-old building, they were in the ...
Rabbi Rabinowitz and Zheina Fleischer sat down with The Jerusalem Report to answer some questions about the tensions ...
The Roman destruction of Herod’s magnificent Jerusalem Temple had one good outcome. The local synagogues that had developed in the diaspora outside the Land of Israel became the ongoing ...
The Holocaust Torah is on what the Memorial Scrolls Trust calls a "permanent loan." That means it will remain at Temple Or ...
Temple Chai Rabbi Bonnie Koppell became aware of the spiritual expression in the 12-step world that she found to be ...
When Sheila Dressner first walked through the doors to Temple Menorah-Keneseth Chai in Northeast Philadelphia in 1980, she ...
No one was injured in the incident but a daycare operating inside the synagogue was forced into lockdown. "Alkhader also significantly disrupted activities that the Temple Israel community had ...