READ MORE: Texas AG’s office sues federal government over endangered West Texas lizard The lizards were two of 50 Texas horned lizards — often referred to as horny toads — that zoo staff ...
This week’s entry: Ol’ Rip The Horned Toad What it’s about: The most famous lizard in American history. In 1928, a time capsule was opened in Eastland, Texas, and inside was a still-living ...
SILVER CITY, N.M.— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today added the dunes sagebrush lizard of southeastern New Mexico and West Texas to the list of endangered species and pledged to follow up by ...
The Center for Biological Diversity has asked to intervene in the lawsuit over listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as endangered ...
Horned Lizard Conservation Society and Defenders of Wildlife — filed suit against the agency in 2003. We won in 2005 when a federal court ruled that the Service's withdrawal of its proposed rule was a ...
An environmental group instrumental in winning an endangered species listing for a struggling lizard species in the Permian ...