The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
The Civil War had begun. Immediately following the ... This left one million slaves in Union territory still in bondage. Throughout the North, African Americans and their white allies were exhuberant.
A long-simmering dispute between Sudan’s army and a paramilitary group exploded into a full-blown civil war in April 2023. At ...
The top U.N. official in South Sudan is warning that the country is teetering on the edge of renewed civil war ...
Pillow, Tennessee on April 12, 1864 100,000+ — Number of Civil War Union corpses found in the South through a federal reinterment program from 1866-1869 303,356 — Number of Union soldiers who ...
For 250 years, the US Army has adapted as a living organization composed of operating units and institutional organizations ...
Much of the film takes place in the Loyalist States, which have remained in the union. There's no major visit to the other ...
The second Sudanese civil war from 1983 to 2005 killed an estimated two million people, with widespread documentation of famine and atrocities. In July 2011, Sudan’s southern territory seceded ...
How much do you know about the Civil War? Our history ... Watie and his Indian Territory troops conceded. Pay scales depended on whether the soldier was Confederate, Union, or Black.