Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson said on Newsmax Tuesday that the left’s obsessive behaviors are self-destructive and “killing their own party.” In a speech at the Human ...
The Case for Trump, Victor Davis Hanson, Basic Books ... which has touched his life directly. He opens his latest volume, The Case for Trump, in the year 2015, when Democratic and Republican ...
H oover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson told SiriusXM’s Megyn Kelly on Friday that Democrats remain on the ...
Historian Victor Davis Hanson has claimed former US presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton appeared shocked during Donald Trump's inauguration speech as they realised he would ...
Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis ... your entire life with toxic masculinity, then as part of that penance, ...
Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson explained on Friday how Democratic ... from the healthcare industry and their personal investments in the pharmaceutical industry and companies ...
Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson appeared on Newsmax Friday and compared the European Union (EU) to Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters. At the Munich Security Conference ...
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson warned Friday on his podcast that the Democratic Party might seek to ...