A whale-watching boat captain in Monterey, Calif., captured footage of a "super pod" consisting of over 2,000 dolphins swimming in the sea ...
Captain Brodsky said that he hoped the footage he captured of this super pod via a drone would inspire people to come out and see these dolphins “wild and free in their natural ...
A “beautiful” mama sea creature was spotted alongside her baby off the coast of California. On Feb. 27, a northern right ...
Image Northern right whale dolphins leaping off the waters of Monterey Bay in California. Mr. Brodsky estimated that there were more than 2,000 dolphins in a “superpod” last Friday.Credit ...
Daniel Bianchetta Monterey Bay Whale Watch The mama and baby can be seen leaping out of the water in “amazing” photos, the March 2 post said. Northern right whale dolphins are the only dolphin ...
A whale-watching tour company in Northern California captured rare footage of a dolphin super pod — featuring about 2,000 dolphins breaching off of the coast of Monterey. According to the ...
A whale-watching tour company in Northern California captured rare footage of a dolphin super pod — featuring about 2,000 dolphins breaching off of the coast of Monterey. According to the Associated ...