The draft of the Pacific County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) was presented by the Pacific County Emergency ...
Mark Finney studies the science behind wildfires for a living. He believes we're not heeding lessons of the past.
A number of fires broke out in the Southeastern U.S. last week. Hurricane-downed trees may help fuel the flames, experts say.
Federal firefighting on public lands in the U.S. works like this: Resources rotate as the fire season progresses regionally.
Cruising the main arteries and side streets of North Scottsdale, attentive drivers note “Caution: Fire Crew Ahead” signs.
Wildfire Response and Preparedness Act of 2025, would set a 30-minute limit, ‘to the extent practicable,’ for fire crews to ...
The East Valley Fuels Reduction Project is located on the ... urban interface to facilitate safer, more effective wildland fire operations, and produce forest products to contribute to the ...
Drought conditions and an early thaw are factors contributing to an earlier and longer-than-average spring fire season. Fires ...
The Delaware Forest Service typically responds to about five wildfires a year. Between November and February, they responded ...