More than 800,000 acres of land across these SoCal counties have been classified under the highest fire hazard severity zone ...
Its purpose is to show how conditions such as wind speed and direction can affect a fire's spread and to show how firefighters use firelines and backfires to control a wildland fire.
“But I do think there is a clear lack of understanding about how the inter-agency wildland fire system is set up, how it works, and how people that don’t have ‘firefighter’ listed as their ...
After the bootcamp she began working on seasonal firefighting crews and is now pursuing a masters in Montana studying wildland fire science. “I can largely attribute the last five or six years ...
Woodlands Fire Chief Palmer Buck said the new Type 3 Wildland Engine is a cross between a typical fire truck and a small brush fire truck. The four-wheel drive truck carries 500 gallons of water.
“Collateral duty firefighters make up a significant portion of the wildland firefighting force,” the fire management officer said. The scope of the problem became clear Thursday. More than 75 ...