Gérald Jasmin joined the Adecco Group in 2001 as an agency manager, before joining the key accounts commercial management ...
A project funded by the European Union, named MUSHER - manned-unmanned teaming system for helicopters - aims to develop ...
Daher was recognized for its action in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance by two globally recognized ...
The developments will be carried out incrementally between 2026 and 2030 and deployed on ships between 2028 and 2032. More ...
SuperCam carried out its 500,000th laser shot on a Martian rock named "Whites river," located 12 meters from the Perseverance ...
If successful, it will be the second private lander to touch the Moon's surface, after the Odysseus Lander. Blue Ghost Mission 1 - Moon Fly By Share Watch on The mission will transport 12 scientific ...
The Eenuee teams will participate in two major events in the coming weeks: the Ordinary General Assembly of the French Seaplane Association in Vichy on April 26 and 27, 2025, and the Splash'in ...
Raymond Boyce and Axel Sergues formed the operations management duo - DDO and deputy DDO respectively - for the inaugural ...
IPSA particularly excels in professional integration, ranking in the top 3 engineering schools according to L'̉ۡtudiant 2025. The numbers speak for themselves: 85% of graduates pursue careers in ...
Pratt & Whitney, une entreprise RTX, a annoncé le 3 mars dernier, à East Hartford dans le Connecticut, que le moteur F135 a ...
À l’approche de la Journée Internationale des Droits des Femmes, Latecoere réaffirme son engagement en faveur de l’égalité de genre car si des progrès ont été réalisés, des défis demeurent. Pour accom ...
Gérald Jasmin rejoint le Groupe Adecco en 2001 en tant que responsable d’agence, avant d’intégrer la direction commerciale grands comptes. Il évolue au sein de l’entreprise en occupant successivement ...