Although the media christened him “Dr. Death” years ago, Nitschke too says, “I don’t want to be an executioner.” He’ll insert ...
So began the trade war. A supposed drug war that was doomed to fail.
Free Open Access Medical Education is a growing movement in the medical community aimed at enhancing medical education ...
I imagine what it will be like for drivers when bike lanes are gone and seeing cyclists will be a surprise. As a physician, I ...
Coercive control, a form of intimate partner violence, was nearly criminalized in Canada before parliament was prorogued on ...
With a provincial election coming in a few days, there are a few things we should reflect on regarding health care in our ...
Canada’s current system for integrating IMGs is inefficient, inequitable and contributes to the physician shortage.
As the avian flu outbreak continues to evolve, it is critical for us to continue monitoring, testing and surveillance.
A coordinated, evidence-informed educational plan must accompany the system-wide reform, so that both future and current practitioners can thrive in and lead this change.