In the lib/features/post/data/ create a new file imagekit_post_repo.dart It would be almost the same as the image kit repo of the profile feature. In the lib/features/post/presentation/cubits create a ...
In the create post page you’ll need to pass an empty list of likes. As when a post is created there are no likes to it. Go to post_repo and create a toggleLikePosts method that takes post id and user ...
Go to the home page. Move the method that redirects to the create post page to a floating action button. On a Desktop screen, ...
Now, if there is a profile image and it got loaded correctly then, I want to show it as a cached image. Just to test it out. Go to imagekit’s user_profiles folder that you created earlier. Upload a ...
The overall purpose of the modifications in profile_cubit.dart is to enhance profile updates by adding image upload ...
Just when I was starting out to use Firebase Storage I realized that; It was no longer free! But luckily today I got to know about just a few hours ago. It provides 5GB of free storage ...
I guess the articles are getting pretty boring these days, don’t you? That’s why I am planning to talk to you as if I am talking to you a human, not a robot(like ...
A well-designed and responsive login page is crucial for any Flutter application, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices. In this guide, we will build a beautiful, responsive ...