Today (27 February) a Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement on the comments by Abdullah Ocalan: ...
A Federal Foreign Office spokesperson issued the following statement today (28 February): The Israeli military operation ...
Today (27 February) a Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement on the deportation of a number of ...
Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, ...
Sometimes, even when abroad, Germans and foreigners may need to have documents certified or signatures or manual signs, transcripts or copies authenticated. Local notaries and authorities are not ...
Working together for the future of Ukraine and Syria: Foreign Minister Baerbock travels to Paris ...
In a statement at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin today (01.03.) Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock spoke about Germany’s solidarity with Ukraine and presented a six-point plan to ...
Visa requirements: who needs a visa? Generally speaking, third-country nationals require a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. An exemption applies to EU nationals and nationals of ...
Zu den Äußerungen von Abdullah Öcalan erklärte ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts heute (27.02.): Wir begrüßen den heutigen ...
Zur europäischen Verteidigungsfähigkeit erklärte Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock heute (26.02.): Frieden in Europa ...
Eine Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amts erklärte heute (28.02.): Die israelische Militäroperation „Iron Wall“ im nördlichen ...
Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Kanada, Lettland, Litauen, die Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Rumänien, ...