TORONTO - The prelude to the "economic warfare with the USA (Trump) is not over yet. The State of the Union Address tonight ...
The rule by the people, for the people – a most prized structure that we maintain is a fundamental principle of our national ethic; it is who we are. The “majority rules”, we say. That principle is ...
TORONTO - The impact or significance of cultural spaces is usually only contemplated when such outlets become scarce or ...
Terry Gilliam – an American born filmmaker who renounced his U.S. citizenship in 2006 to avoid double taxation – gave an ...
TORONTO - I feel sorry for Justin Trudeau, honestly. Since he placed the finishing touches on “his legacy” on November 30, ...
TORONTO - In the “cut and thrust” of political activity and machinations, it too often easy to overlook the purpose of ...
TORONTO - Paolo Genovese is turning heads with his latest film Madly – distributed by Rai Cinema International – which is ...
TORONTO - That did not take long! Before the fog was cleared from the camera lenses, critics began to heap scorn and criticism on Justin Trudeau’s announcement about a High-Speed Rail (HSR) route from ...