Wednesday's forecast has a high of 52 degrees, a low of 24 degrees, and snow and sleet late at night. Expect the daytime ...
An upcoming musical at Pinckney Community High School can be described as “so fetch.” Act2 Theatre Company in Pinckney is ...
Scott Holloway, 56, is now scheduled for trial in September and October, over a year after he was first scheduled to appear ...
All reporting local districts saw a decrease in enrollment after the spring Count Day in February; but, officials say, the ...
Hilla's daughter, Rebecca, told family and friends via social media that her mother suffered a devastating stoke on Thursday, ...
Howell's first state semifinal hockey game in 15 years will be against a team that handed the Highlanders their only ...
Hartland posted a winning score at gymnastics regionals that would have been on the MHSAA record list had it happened in a ...
With a loss in the state semis still fresh, it felt 'a little weird' when Sean O'Keefe and other Brighton wrestlers returned ...
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey commuted the death sentence of Robin Meyers, a first for her time in office and the first commutation ...
Fowlerville's Maggie Buurma became a four-time state wrestling champ, while two Hartland juniors won their second titles.
Howell's freshmen don't play like ninth-graders. One of them scored the winning goal in the state hockey quarterfinals ...
Each month, the Livingston County Health Department inspects restaurants, schools, and other facilities for unsafe food ...