The Trump administration has for weeks been blocking the U.S. National Institutes of Health process for issuing new research grants for everything from Lyme disease to lung and heart disease, ...
While the previous U.S. administration issued a sanctions exemption on January 6 to allow transactions with Syria's governing institutions for six months, Qatar does not see this as enough to cover ...
The Second Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) Agreement on Trade in Services (agreement II) was implemented on Saturday, ...
Multiple U.S. federal agencies told employees not to respond immediately to a demand by President Donald Trump's adviser Elon Musk to list their accomplishments in the last week or be fired, as a ...
The Alternative for Germany, which has morphed since it was founded in 2013 from a party of libertarian economists to an anti-immigration, pro-Russia group, is forecast to have won the backing of ...
Investigators are probing the causes of an unusual plane crash at Canada's largest airport on Monday, when a regional jet flipped upside down upon landing during windy weather, sending 21 of the 80 ...
Volleys of gunfire rang out in Democratic Republic of Congo's eastern border town of Uvira on Wednesday, local sources said, as clashes broke out among allied forces amid the advance of Rwanda-backed ...
When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine nearly three years ago, then-U.S. President Joe Biden took a firm stand in solidarity with Kyiv, forged a bulwark of European ...
Astronomers for the first time have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of the atmosphere of a planet beyond our solar system, revealing three layers like a wedding cake on a ferociously hot ...
中國工商銀行(亞洲)昨日成功舉辦跨境人民幣業務研討會, 解讀跨境人民幣最新進展及政策框架. 今次研討會邀請來自中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室經濟部貿易處、香港投資推廣署、香港貿易發展局的代表, 以及30多間「走出去」的中資企業、 大型跨國公司和本地知名企業的管理人員及業務專家, 一同圍繞跨境人民幣業務的發展趨勢與機遇、人民幣匯率及香港離岸人民幣市場等議題, 展開深入研討和交流. 中國人民銀 ...
發展局局長甯漢豪表示, 研究將地面停車場納入樓面面積豁免. 甯漢豪在本台節目表示, 過去容許發展商建設地底停車場, 並獲豁免納入樓面面積, 希望減少佔用地面空間, 但近年有意見表示, 建設地底停車場的時間、成本、環保措施等, 未必是最好, 政府將進取檢視, 研究將地面停車場納入豁免, 目標年中完成檢視. 她又表示, 財政預算案明確指出, 下年度不會推出商業地, 政府未來幾年會研究已準備好推出的商業 ...
國務院總理李強在政府工作報告中表示, 著力抓好「三農」工作, 深入推進鄉村全面振興. 堅持農業農村優先發展, 完善強農惠農富農支持制度, 千方百計推動農業增效益、 農村增活力、農民增收入.