Stop & Shop store employees to 'stand arm and arm and in lock step' with warehouse Teamsters in the event of a strike.
"The company has built a strong customer base over decades, in part because consumers trust that it treats its workers fairly," the treasurers wrote. "A labor dispute of this magnitude risks eroding that trust, driving loyal customers to competitors and causing lasting damage to Stop & Shop's brand."
Teamsters Local 25 and Stop & Shop reached the tentative six-year agreement, which covers the grocery chain's distribution center workers in Freetown, Mass.
Teamsters Local 25 and Stop & Shop have reached a tentative agreement for a new contract Friday, officials said in a release.
Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island treasurers urge Stop & Shop to negotiate with Teamsters Local 25 to avoid potential picketing.
The state treasurers of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut say they have deep concerns about a labor dispute involving Stop & Shop workers.