The Alabama Department of Transportation has launched an updated version of its ALGO Traffic app and website. It offers new ...
The city of Huntsville and the Alabama Department of Transportation are merging traffic light systems in hopes of moving ...
The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) will begin an intersection project in Dothan on Monday, March 3, that is set ...
Senate Bill 110, which seeks to increase axle weight limits for certain trucks, is a dangerous and costly mistake.
As the state gets closer to breaking ground on the I-10 Mobile River Bridge and Bayway Project, the city of Mobile is ...
Work in several phases has been ongoing on this route for at least the past five years. That work includes four-laning the ...
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) could soon call for a strike after nearly a year of sluggish negotiations with Chicago ...
The bid opening represents a pivotal point in ALDOT's efforts to improve road conditions throughout the region, though ...
The Infrastructure Insider newsletter provides news and information on the current infrastructure markets, focusing on transportation, water, broadband, energy, and power. This bi-monthly newsletter ...
The Mobile City Council on Wednesday reviewed a resolution laying the groundwork for a long-planned bridge and bayway connecting the city to Baldwin County.
The nearly $37 million project, which the city funded through a bond issue, was initially expected to be completed in ...
The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) announced that construction on the Woolsey Finnell Bridge, a 60-year-old structure in Tuscal ...