Kým 95-ročný herec Gene Hackman zomrel na dôsledky viacerých zdravotných problémov, jeho manželku Betsy Arakawa podľa amerických úradov usmrtil hantavírus. Čo sa skrýva za týmto ochorením?
Desivý koniec! Polícia potvrdila, že hollywoodsky velikán Gene Hackman († 95) zomrel týždeň po svojej manželke Betsy Arakawa ...
Niečo také zrejme nečakali! Necelý mesiac po tragickom úmrtí oscarového Gena Hackmana († 95) a jeho manželky Betsy († 65) ...
Príčiny úmrtí legendárneho herca Genea Hackmana a jeho manželky klaviristky Betsy Arakawaovej sú známe, no stále existuje ...
Koncom februára obletela svet smutná správa o úmrtí herca Genea Hackmana, držiteľa dvoch Oscarov, zomrel vo veku 95 rokov.
Gene Hackman believed his wife Betsy Arakawa was the reason he lived as long as he did, according to one of the actor’s longtime friends. “She was very protective of him,” Tom Allin recently ...
Hackman was suffering from an advanced state of Alzheimer’s and died of heart disease, roughly one week before Arakawa succumbed to a rare respiratory virus spread by rodents known as hantavirus ...
Investigators into Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa's deaths are shedding light on how the couple's dog, who was also found dead at their New Mexico home on Feb. 26, could have died. Hackman's cause ...
SANTA FE, N.M. – One of the last times anyone saw Betsy Arakawa in public, she was strolling through the aisles of a CVS Pharmacy in Santa Fe, her face covered by a mask, likely because of the ...
Hackman, 95, and Betsy Arakawa, 65, were found dead Feb. 26. In the days that followed, mystery swirled around the deaths as authorities ruled out foul play, and immediate tests for carbon ...