It’s time to play Tune Twist, where we translate the lyrics of popular songs into multiple languages and then back into English. Can you figure out what the song is, or who performed it?
The FootballJOE Pub Quiz is once again here to give you the quizzing boost you need. Here’s five faces from football past, just tell us who they are. These are the same five questions that you’ll see ...
Ned Garver, who pitched for the St. Louis Browns when they drew few fans, said, “The crowd didn’t dare boo us. The players ...
This means the film has enough legs to reach the $2.25 billion mark of Titanic and potentially even the $2.32 billion worldwide ... with the dragon prince, Ao Bing, in an epic battle to protect ...
Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right. Compiled by Jeremy Engle Have you been paying attention to current events recently ...
March 28, 2025 • This week's news coverage featured more Greenland drama than usual. And if you've been paying attention to it all, you'll get at least one question right. March 21, 2025 ...
Trey Paul is a CNET senior editor covering broadband. His 20+ years of experience as a writer and editor include time at the broadband marketplace Allconnect, as well as working with clients like ...
Caroline Igo (she/her/hers) is a wellness editor and holds Sleep Science Coach and Stress Management certificates from the Spencer Institute. She received her bachelor's degree in creative writing ...
This collection of interactive exercises uses Times resources to help young people find the news that matters to them, understand how it’s made, connect it to their lives — and make media of ...
Assemble all music lovers, are you ready for the quiz of all quizzes? If, like us, you consider yourself pretty clued up when it comes to how many Grammys Beyoncé has in her awards cabinet ...